This is your chance to feature in the Chichester MGOC 2020 calendar and win a club shop voucher. Calendars will be available at the Christmas Dinner in December. We want to see your best shots of the MGs and club events from 2019
There are two classes you can enter.
Class 1 – Artistic Shot of MG(s) for Calendar
We’d like to see your best photos of MGs. These don’t have to be taken at a Chichester MG Event but must have been shot in 2019 and must predominantly feature MG cars.
Class 2 – Spirit of the 1006
We want examples that show the camaraderie and humour that we all share at events. They don’t need to feature cars but do need to be from an event the club attended.
The top 12 Artistic photographs, as judged by the Elves Tony & Simon, will be used in the Chichester MGOC 2020 calendar. Each photographer featured will receive a free calendar as scant reward for their efforts.
The winner of each class as judged by the Christmas Dinner diners will each receive a club gift voucher for the sum of £20.
How to Enter
To enter please send your digital photographs to Please send in the highest resolution possible. Please indicate which class the photo is being entered into along with the date and location/event where it was taken. You can also optionally provide a title or caption for each photograph. If you are entering more than one photo please rank them in priority.
How to Buy the Calendar
The calendar will be A4 in size and cover 13 months from January 2020 to January 2021. It is a strictly limited edition priced at just £7.50 per copy.
You can reserve your copy now by emailing Simon Copies will also be available at the Christmas Dinner.
- Each entrant can submit up to three photographs into each category. These should be ranked in order of preference. In the event of a surfeit of entries, the Elves may elect to restrict entries to one or two photos per person.
- Each entry should be accompanied by a description which clearly states where and at which event the photo was taken, and must be from 2019.
- By submitting an entry the photographer grants Chichester MGOC the right to use the photograph in club publicity material (such as website, Facebook and Newsletters) and in the 2020 Calendar which will be sold by the club. Profits will go to club funds.
- All other rights are retained by the photographer.
- When the club uses the photograph, the photographer will be credited with a copyright notice.
- The judging Elves can’t enter because they will cheat.
- Closing date for entries is 31 October 2019.
- Class Winners will be announced at Christmas Dinner.